I fell upon this Singer 319 "typewriter" or "piano" sewing machine at a local estate sale. The cabinet had been repainted into a very cool deep striated turquoise blue. The seat, however, left much to be desired. It was smelly but actually comfortable. I removed the bathroom rug cover, and am in the process of adding memory foam and a custom fabric to pull all of the mid-century colors together. It came with ALL of the cams for specialty stitches, I am so blessed to have found it. I'm excited to start using it. I have read that this machine was a "bust" for Singer because people thought it was too difficult to use, something I can understand, however, I think it is a cool piece. It was the top of the line in its day, all aluminum and all metal inside. Enjoy the photo progress.
March 2020 I received a doll from an estate, that was dear to one of the beneficiaries. The face and clothes were extremely dirty and the elastic in the pantaloons had lost the elasticity. I soaked the dresses in enzyme laundry solution (Shaklee liquid L and nature bright) until the lace brightened and the water was clear. The face was washed with the same but I stopped scrubbing when I noticed some of the cheek paint had faded. I then shortened the overdress/ the top layer to expose the hand-embroidered initial of the decedent, then added lace and elastic to the pantaloons, and added the headband with roses made from left over fabric from the overdress. Close up of the hand-embroidered initial on under-dress. Close up of cleaned face and headband I created with leftover fabric and added roses.
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